Andrea Rubenstein Andrea Rubenstein

Individual Adults

Life can be brimming with beauty as well as its share of challenges. Navigating adulthood and establishing a strong self-identity/self-esteem is a process that benefits from having a safe space to reflect on what choices will work best for you. I would like to support you to reach a future that will bring the most happiness and fulfillment, while decreasing the impact from aspects of life that can cause stress or depression. Fee: base rate ranging from $250-300

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Andrea Rubenstein Andrea Rubenstein

Infant Mental Health

In my work as a consultant for early education centers and parents with young children (ages 0-5), I have enabled parents to feel more empowered in their ability to care for their children and promote a secure and strong attachment. These online services take a coaching/parenting support approach while in person we are able to brainstorm and problem solve in the moment. Fee: base rate ranging from $250-300

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Andrea Rubenstein Andrea Rubenstein

Children and Adolescents

I support children and adolescents (ages 6-21) navigate the milestones associated with their developmental stage and any challenges, behavior, or social situations that may be causing them discomfort or difficulties in their life. I collaborate with parents and family to help them implement strategies that may lead to positive change, understand how to best support their children, and interact with various systems that can be recruited to collaborate in improving their children’s life. Fee: base rate ranging from $300-350

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Andrea Rubenstein Andrea Rubenstein

Family Therapy

When the entire family would benefit from participating in services, I invite everyone to join in a safe space to connect and collaborate towards improving their circumstances. We are incredibly social creatures and families are connected in deep and intricate ways. Family work benefits everyone in understanding how to better relate and communicate with one another. These sessions can tremendously improve the wellbeing and functioning of the family unit in the present and future, as you will be able to use the tools and knowledge gained to navigate difficulties as they arise. Fee: base rate ranging from $350-400

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Andrea Rubenstein Andrea Rubenstein

Couples Therapy

I invite the couple to deepen their understanding of one another by exploring their values and their feelings. I join the partnership in learning how to change the narratives that make you feel stuck or can lead to feelings of hopelessness or resentment. We collaborate in finding adjustments that can make stress more manageable. Fees: base rate ranging from $350-400

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Currently offering in-person and/or telehealth services.

Sessions can be held in English or Spanish.